wbcs website not opening |
Public Service Commission of West Bengal Notified previously about WBCS form fill up. The notice runs as form fillup will be started from 10th November 2017 11:30 onwards to 30th November 2017 Midnight.
But Today i.e., 10th November official Site of PSC “https://www.pscwbonline.gov.in”
is not working. It Shows a blank page with a message “Website is Down For maintenance Please try After 1 PM”.
If you are trying to apply for Wbcs, and found this message then dont be panic wait for some hours and then it may be working.
In the previous year PSC website had Also a technical overload and security issue, so its a common matter and dont worry about this.
Checkout wbcs 2018 full syllabus (official)
Update: Form fill up Started.