Amazon Quiz, Amazon Quiz 13 January, Amazon Blackberry Key 2 Quiz 13 January 2019 Answers, Amazon BlackBerry Quiz Answers Today 13th January, Amazon 13th January BlackBerry Quiz Answers, Amazon Quiz 13 Jan, Amazon 13th January Quiz Answers, Amazon Blackberry Key2 Quiz 13-01-19 All Answers Of Amazon Quiz Today Win BlackBerry Key2:
Amazon Blackberry Key2 Quiz Answers:
1. British women over the age of 30 who met minimum property qualifications could do what from Feb 1918?
Answer: Vote
2. Which famous scientist wrote the book ‘A Brief History of Time’?
Answer: Stephen Hawking
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3. As of 1st January 2019, which of these countries has officially quit the UNESCO?
Answer: USA
4. Which element is represented by the chemical symbol Fe?
Answer: Iron
5. Which of these is an initiative recently launched by ISRO to engage students with space science activities?
Answer: Samwad
How to play and win Amazon BlackBerry Key2 Quiz 13 January:
Amazon India frequently run quiz contests on their official shopping app, as Quiz Time quiz, or Riddles quiz or Super Value Day quiz and many sponsored quizzes. Amazon Today Quiz is Amazon Blackberry Key 2 Quiz.
Answering all the questions of Amazon BlackBerry Key2 LE Quiz contest correctly you can win a BlakBerry Key2 Latest Edition Smartphone.
All You need to participate is the official Amazon Shopping App and answer the all questions of amazon quiz today, no purchasing is necessary, if you haven’t installed the app yet then download the app now clicking HERE (Android) And click HERE (iOS).
Sign in to the app And you can see the banner of Amazon quiz of that day or currently running quizzes. To win the Amazon App only quizzes you have to answer all Amazon Quiz Questions appeared after you start the contest. Here you will get all Answers of Amazon Quiz Today and of previous days. Scroll down to see answers of Amazon Quizzes of previous days. For other Amazon Quiz Answers Click HERE.
After answering all the questions correctly a congratulation page will appear, to see the winners list click HERE.
Amazon Quiz 13 January 2019 – More Details:
- This Contest will commence on 13 January from 08:00:01 a.m. (IST) to 12:00:00 p.m. (IST) (“Contest Period”)
- In order to be eligible for the Contest, during the Contest Period you must sign-in to or sign-up from an account on the App (“ App”).
- Once you have signed-in to the App, you can participate by navigating to the page where 5 (five) questions will be posted during the entire Contest Period.
- Thereafter, if you answer all the quiz questions correctly, you will be entitled for a lucky draw which will be carried out amongst participants who have answered that particular question correctly.
- The draw of lots will be carried out during the Contest Period for the questions and a total of 1 participant will be selected as winners by a random draw of lots.
- The declared winner(s) will be eligible for winning BlackBerry Key2 (hereinafter referred to as “Prize(s)”).