Amazon India frequently run quiz contests on their official shopping app, as Quiz Time quiz, or Riddles quiz or Super Value Day quiz and many sponsored quizzes. Participating in these contests you can win the Prizes assigned for each contest. All you need to participate is the official Amazon Shopping App and answer the all questions of amazon quiz today, no purchasing is necessary, if you haven’t installed the app yet then download the app now clicking HERE (Android) And click HERE (iOS). Sign in to the app And you can see the banner of Amazon quiz of that day or currently running quizzes. To win the Amazon App only quizzes you have to answer all Amazon Quiz Questions zppeared after you start the contest. Here you will get all Answers of Amazon Quiz Today and of previous days. Scroll down to see answers of Amazon Quizzes of previos days. For other Amazon Quiz Answers Click HERE.
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Amazon Super Value Day Quiz All Answers Answer And Win Rs. 5,000 (1 April)
Quiz Running Date: 1st April to 3rd April 11:59:59 PM
Question1. Shopping on Super Value Day gives you cashback on purchase of household supplies & more. What is the maximum cashback you can avail?
Answer: Rs. 1200
Question2. How often does Super Value cashback event take place?
Answer: 1st, 2nd and 3rd of every month
Question3. Which of the following would NOT be eligible for the Super Value Day cashback offer?
Answer: UFO saucer
Question4. Which bank’s credit or debit card is eligible for additional cashback on shopping from Super Value Day?
Answer: ICICI bank
Question5. After the order is dispatched, how long it take for the Super Value Day cashback to be credited to customer’s account?
Answer: 72 hours
Question6. All products listed in the Amazon Pantry Store qualify for the Super Value Day cashback offer
Answer: True