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Android is now probably the most popular OS of the world. Though Android is loaded with tons of beautiful and usefull features with which you are familiar already. But there are some hidden extra features probably new to you. The developer of Android that is Google is well-known to provide special hidden features and options in their products. Let’s have a look on them.
1.Unlocking the Developer’s options:
With unlocking this hidden feature you can do a lot more with your device. To activate this you have to go
2.About device
3.Build No.
Tap seven times on the build no. And this option will be added to your settings menu.
2.YouTube creator studio app:
Go to your YouTube creator studio app and swipe down the screen repeatedly. You will see a cat at the top of the screen.
3.Google+ app:
In Google+ app you get a hidden feature also. Go to your Google+ app, shake the device (take care or you will kill your Android!!) , shaking the device snow will fall . Shaking further an animated .gif image will be saved to your phone’s directory.
4.OK Google:
This OK Google feature is interesting too.
For this you have to tap the mic in the home screen search bar. Then speak “OK GOOGLE” then speak “LUMOS” ,see what happened.
Then speak “OK Google” and “NOX”. Enjoy!!!
5.Taping the Android version no.:
This feature is probably already known to many ones but I am writing this for those who are yet not aware about this. Let’s have a look:
Go to
1.Setting Menu
2.Tap on “About Device”
3.Find “Android Version”
4.Tap multiple times. See what appears!!
- For Android 4x Jellybean a red jellybean appears with the OS version, after further pressing an interactive game appears.
- For Android 4x KitKat a letter K appears further pressing the word KitKat appears within a KitKat.
- For Android 5x or 6x i.e. lollipop or marshmallow, a circle with a lollipop or M inside it appears, further pressing it turns into a beautiful game.
- For Android 7x Nougat an N appears, further pressing a cat “Android Neko” appears.
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